Sibel Aydın
Sibel Aydın

She was born in 1975, in İstanbul.

2003, Bachelor of Arts, Television Journalism

Istanbul Bilgi University/ Turkey

2006, Master of Arts, Film Studies

Northumbria University / United Kingdom

2012 Michel Szulc Krzyzanowski  Creative Photography  Masterclass / Le Gorvelo,Bretagne,France

2013 The Wisdom of Mythic Stories for  Adult İdentity  Transitions.The Center for Story and Symbol  Santa Barbara, California / United States

2017 Therapeutic Photography, The Robert Gordon University/ Aberdeen/United Kingdom



1990 Solo Photography Exibition Kemal Hasoğlu High School,Istanbul

1991 Solo Photography Exibition Fethiye Council Cultural Events, Fethiye

2000  Mytilini (Lesvos) and Aliaga  Peace  Festival  Documentary Film /Cameramen/ Editing

2000  Istanbul Bilgi University  Practicum ‘’Colours for Millenium’’ Beygu Gokcin /Cameramen, Istanbul

2001 Documentary of Sahaja Yoga: Bilgi TV  ( Director, Scriptor) Istanbul

2004 Social Advertising  and Awareness Campaign Director Ethem Ozguven’s Violence /Against  Women Social  Spots, Istanbul  (Actrist)

2008 Paulo Coelho’s Experimental  Witch Film  Competition. ‘’Journey of the Witch’’/Drama,Color,19:00:00 Short Film (Selected  for the shortlist) (Director)

2009 Modern-Ist  8th March World Women Day  Special Art Exibition, Istanbul‘’The Mask of Love ‘’ 50-90  Black&White&Colour (Conceptual Photographer)

2010 Anadolu University  Art Exibition, Eskişehir

‘’Encounter’’ Conceptual Sculpture  ( Conceptual Artist)

2011 Modern-Ist  Art Exibition , Akatlar Culture Center

Anima Mundi Series ‘’Cosmos Mother’’ 70-100 Colour (Conceptual Photographer)

2012 Michel Szulc Krzyzanowski  Creative Photography  Masterclass Le Gorvelo,Bretagne,France

‘’Red Shoes, Groundbreaking, Get out of form stay with colours’’ (Conceptual Photographer)